Elemen-Elemen Kejahatan Dari "Crimes Against Humanty": Sebuah Penjelasan Pustaka
As first step to discuss "element of crimes" of Crimes Against Humanity, the writer explain the concept of gross violation on human rights. This article focus on the normative and conceptual development of "Crimes Against Humanity", its element of crime and its application. Furthermore the discussion is focus on sexual crime, as mention in article 7 (g) the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization or any other form of sexual violance of comparable gravity or as mention in article 9 (g) UU No.
26/2000 about Human Rights Courts. The lack of attention toward genderbased violance issue in Indonesia law literature is one of the reason why the writer is writing about this issue.
26/2000 about Human Rights Courts. The lack of attention toward genderbased violance issue in Indonesia law literature is one of the reason why the writer is writing about this issue.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.58823/jham.v2i2.24
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